Date: Sat, 11 Jun 94 04:30:17 PDT From: Ham-Digital Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Digital-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Digital@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Digital Digest V94 #190 To: Ham-Digital Ham-Digital Digest Sat, 11 Jun 94 Volume 94 : Issue 190 Today's Topics: An open note to Gary Coffman, KE4ZV Baycom AX25 and OS/2?? Help with JNOS for Linux Kantronics KPC-3 for sale package radio amateurs in Germany Packet with a Psion 3a ? PKFAX problems - any help? Vester SSTV modulator Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Digital Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-digital". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 8 Jun 1994 20:34:38 GMT From:!!!!csn!!!!!uknet!! Subject: An open note to Gary Coffman, KE4ZV To: > There is no simulator, I aksed this of the groundstation > controllers on Surry a few years ago. I've had a private email from someone about a Pacsat simulation program. I'll have to follow that lead up. Chris - G6FCI Packet : G6FCI @ GB7FCI.#16.GBR.EU Internet : ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 10 Jun 1994 03:36:42 GMT From: agate!!!news! Subject: Baycom AX25 and OS/2?? To: In article <2t728m$7cc@usenet.INS.CWRU.Edu> da884@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (David Toste) writes: > >Has anyone had any luck in getting the baycom modem to work in OS/2??? >Or is there away to compile the AX25 verson for OS/2?? I have been singularly unsucessful & finally gave up. Found ax25 doesnt work on a ps2 also. If you get any sucess let us know. 73, ted n6trf ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Jun 1994 22:32:42 GMT From: nwnexus!jhgrud!eskimo! Subject: Help with JNOS for Linux To: NJBIRDMAN ( wrote: : Benn trying to get JNOS (j109lxa3) working. When I compile, : everything goes fine until it gets near the end, then I get : "curses.c XXX (linux.a(curses.o)) Undefined symbol _getattrs : referenced from text segment" Suggest you get the latest version ( j109lxA4 ) off of I had the same troubles with A3 and all are gone from the A4 release. : Thanks in advance.. You Betcha! : John N4JS ( 73, Bob -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bob Donnell, kd7nm --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jun 94 17:07:51 GMT From:!agate!!wupost!! Subject: Kantronics KPC-3 for sale To: I've been interested in buying a KPC-3 for a couple years. Your $85 sounds like a good price. Could you list the address to which I could write? 73 Steve N0SJB SLACC STACK BBS - St. Louis, Missouri The bulletin board service of the St. Louis Area Computer Club +1 314.367.1903 ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jun 1994 09:24:25 GMT From:!!agate!!!fauern!!btrtx3! Subject: package radio amateurs in Germany To: To improve the partnership between Plouay (France) and Kueps (Germany) I am searching for radio amateurs in Germany, who have the opportunity to contact with thanks. questions to ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Jun 1994 22:24:58 GMT From:!!agate!!!!portal!combdyn! Subject: Packet with a Psion 3a ? To: In article <1994Jun8.173216.1@ugun2a> writes: >Hi hams out there, > >Could someone tell me if they make packet with their Psion organizers ??? >I know that it's possible to hook them up to a TNC, but it's still a TNC and >that makes them quite big.... is there another solution like a Baycom modem >or something of the like ???? > On a similar thread, I'm looking to purchase a(nother) PDA...and I'm interested in finding one that will drive a TNC. Suitable for doing some packeting when I'm travelling....or during an emergency. I already run packet with an HT and a battery powered TNC....(I'm using the -- WORK: | PHONE 403 529 2162 | FAX 529 2516 | VE6LKC HOME: | 403 526 6019 | 529 5102 | VE6PAQ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Praxis BBS - 529 1610 | CYSNET BBS - 526 4304 | Lunatic Haven BBS - 526 6957 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- disclamer = (working_for && !representing) + (Combustion Dynamics Ltd.); ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jun 1994 15:22:19 GMT From:!!agate!!gatech!!!eff!!! Subject: PKFAX problems - any help? To: Hi, A friend of mine has a new PK232 and the PKFAX program and is having some problems getting it to run. The 232 seems to work fine on all the other modes, it seems that this software is balky. I used to run it eons ago and recall it wasn't terribly handy at the time but I don't remember stones about it. Anyway does anybody have any good tips on getting this software to work properly? Hints, tips, or maybe a pointer to some third party software that does a better job on this? Thanks in advance. Kevin, WB2EMS ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Jun 1994 08:29:29 GMT From:!!!gatech!!!eff!!ddsw1!n9csa! Subject: Vester SSTV modulator To: Hey Guys, Does anybody know where I can get a ready-made Vester SSTV board? It is featured in QST Jan. 1994. Or does anybody want to make it for me for cash? Let me know at this address. Thanks, Jeff Smith ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 09 Jun 1994 09:07:47 -0400 From: ftpbox!mothost!lmpsbbs!NewsWatcher! To: References <2stcmi$>, <>, <2t2utf$> Subject : Re: Gary Coffman, Psychic Predictor! Well, Gary, I'll bet you never dreamed that this one would come back to haunt you. However, your foresight seems better than most folks hindsight. Maybe we need to resurrect more of your articles and review your prophesies once every year or so. It would provide a good barometer of amateur radio progress in high-volume wide-area messaging systems. You only missed foretelling one item, far off-point anyhow, and that is that Commodore went under earlier this year and is currently being liquidated. That should aid the demise of "the 1200 baud - C64 forever mindset" that you made reference to in your closing paragraphs. And last, I think you have at least tied the record formerly held by Dan Pickersgill N8PKV for having your name appear in a newsgroup subject line for the longest number of consecutive days. Add that to your new job title "E-Mail Elmer" that we bestowed upon you a few days ago! In article <2t2utf$>, (Douglas J Renze) wrote: > (Gary Coffman) writes: > > >Hmph, I didn't know I *wrote* a letter. I *still* haven't seen the original > >"Open letter" to me that all this thread is in reply to. > > Perhaps "letter" is a misnomer. But you did post an article dated March, > 1992. I've appended it to the end of this posting as I found it in our > PBBS archives. > > > And now, this is the original posting by KE4ZV to which I referred in my > initial post. > > +++ > Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1992 20:35:17 GMT > From: psinntp!sunic!!tampella!funic!fuug!krk! > Subject: Looking for new Software - PK88 > To: > Date: 13 Mar 92 17:01:08 GMT > From: usc!!!emory!kd4nc!ke4zv!gary@ > network.UCSD.EDU > Subject: PACKET RADIO TALK > To: > > In article <1992Mar10.100609.2512@EE.SuArrey.Ac.UK> > ees1mw@EE.Surrey.Ac.UK (Mike Willis) writes: > >I have to give a talk to my local radio club on packet. To finish it off, > >I would like to say a little about where packet is going. New > >applications, high speed, LANs etc. Now in the UK we are quite a long way > >behind the USA in terms of new applications. What I would like to know is > >what is happening in the rest of the world besides the UK. 'State of the > >art', stuff. DSP has just arrived here, but at L1000 ($1800) it is not going to > > >get very far. > > I doubt that you are very far behind the US in *applications*. It's hard > to be *far* behind zero. This is the major problem facing packet in the > US. Aside from Packetcluster DX spotting systems, and the BBS Email and > bulletin systems, there are practically zero *applications* of packet > radio. > > We have proven high speed hardware, proven networking software, and > fair connectivity in local areas, but we don't have anything to *do* > with packet radio. The vast majority of users have remained at 1200 > baud on simplex 2 meter channels because there isn't enough to *do* > with packet to require them to upgrade to faster channels and better > modulation schemes. > > >Questions. > > > >How will we get around the junk (ie articles of no interest but to the > >sender, or telling you not to miss a contest that has already > >finished because the message took two weeks to get to the BBS) BBS > >mail problem ? > > Short expires. If that doesn't work, use shorter expires. Ideally > precedence fields should be implemented to indicate to the systems > how to handle the message, and when and if it should be thrown on > the floor. > > >How will TCP/IP influence future systems ? > > Because the implementation we have is totally open, it has attracted > a lot of interest among the code hackers. Potentially it opens the > way for unlimited applications, but as a practical matter because of > the monolythic way it's implemented on DOS machines, it's turning into > a complicated way to do a BBS and ship a few files. It's actually an > impediment to new applications at this time. It's best use now is > as a switch node in the trunk network and as a gateway to a capable > multitasking system with native TCP/IP (ie a Unix box). Before TCP/IP > can have a significant impact on packet, we've got to abandon DOS > or rewrite the code to act as a device driver accessable to *any* > program running on the system. > > >Is DSP going to be affordable in the near future ? What advantages will it > >bring in terms of speed, overcoming interference, spread spectrum ? > > As prices drop for DSP hardware, as most everyone expects it to do, there > will be a proliferation of software modem designs available for the down- > loading. That's going to obsolete the hardware multimode boxes like the > KAM, PK232, MFJ1278, G3RUH daughter boards, PSK pacsat modems, etc. > While it's unlikely that speeds will increase above 9600 baud using DSP > in the near future, certainly more efficient and more noise and interference > tolerant modem designs will be forthcoming. Because it's "only software", > users will upgrade quickly. DSP probably won't have an impact on spread > spectrum techniques in the near term, too much horsepower is required to > do SS in software. > > >Why are some people so anti-packet (I need to get at the hecklers!), is it > >because they don't understand it, own the spectrum it uses, or another > >reason ? > > Yes. :-) > > There are a variety of reasons people are hostile to packet. The number > one thing that I hear is "it's not *real* radio because it doesn't take > any skill to use it." That comes mostly from the CW forever crowd, and > a little bit from the paper tape RTTY crowd. The second most common > complaint is "there's nothing to *do* with it." And the third most > common complaint, not from the CW crowd, is "it's so slow." > > Packet *is* the fastest growing mode in amateur radio since the advent > of SSB, so there is interest in it out there. But many people quickly > become disenchanted with it because it is slow and booooorrrring. We > have hardware to fix the slow, but we haven't yet solved the boring. > > >Any help would be appreciated. I already know how I think packet will > >develop, but I would like to know others views. > > I've mostly dwelled on the problems of packet above. What I'd like > to see in the future is a more fully connected network operating > at a high enough speed and with proper networking software so that > distributed computing can become a reality. I'd like to see multi- > player, nulti-computer games. I'd like to see distributed databases > so you could send a demon out into the network to run down practically > any fact you might want to know. I'd like to see cooperative massively > parallel systems evolve that can take a problem handed to the network > and divide it up among many machines for rapid solution. That's where > I would like to see packet go, but I *expect* it to fall into a 1200 > baud and C64 forever mindset that never reaches the heights it is > capable of scaling. I guess I'll be happy if we can just reliably > deliver the mail to a mobile user outside his home LAN. > > Gary KE4ZV > > +++ > End of gary's original article. > > 73 - doug > > -- > Doug Renze, N0YVW * * N0YVW @ > ** -- Karl Beckman, P.E. < Genius may have its limitations, but > Motorola LMPS- Analog Data < stupidity is not thus handicapped. > < - Elbert Hubbard > The statements and opinions expressed here are not those of Motorola Inc. Amateur radio WA8NVW @ K8MR.NEOH.USA.NA NavyMARS VBH @ NOGBN.NOASI ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 9 Jun 1994 22:19:29 GMT From: nwnexus!jhgrud!eskimo! To: References <>, , .itd.u Subject : Re: 9600 baud observations... : Jeffrey Austen ( wrote: : : In Article <>, ka7oei@uugate.wa7slg.ampr.ORG wrote: : : >I'd like some comment on the TAPR and (apparently) MFJ firmware KISS modes. : : >With both, I've observed that after some time (5-10 minutes, maybe) the TNC : : >seems to reset, losing current timing parameters like TXDELAY, SLOTTIME, : : >etc. : : I have a MFJ 1270B and cured this problem by getting a new TNC2 EPROM from TAPR. One of the things discovered locally about that problem is that it appears to be related to transmitter activity. One of the locals temporarily solved the problem by programming a beacon to go off a little more often than the reset interval. Not that we really like beacons... 73 -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bob Donnell, kd7nm --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ End of Ham-Digital Digest V94 #190 ******************************